I guess you all remember miss Tavi and her sensational appearance in fashion industry.
Well it seems that Tavi wants to get it all.
She recently wrote on her blog that her and legendary Jane Pratt (she was the founding editor of Sassy magazine in 1988) will put their minds together to start a whole new magazine that will be orientated on teenagers.(name of a future magazine and date of release remains unknown)
To give you some background on Sassy magazine: "It called out celebrities and politicians for being assholes, educated its readers on politics without sounding biased, and focused on fashion in a way that was unconventional. It was lipstick feminism for teenage girls, covering sexist issues but not discouraging having fun with makeup or caring about boys." Unfortunately it was closed down at 1994
And here is one of the covers of Sassy mag and it's also my personal favorite, i guess you understand why *)
Apparently Tavi and Jane wont try to recreate the magazine...As Tavi says herself : "Of course, it won’t be Sassy (or the rebirth of Sassy, or Sassy 2.0) and nor do we want it to be. For one, you can’t try to recreate something that good. For another, while I can read old issues of Sassy and relate, the world has changed a bit in the past 15 or so years, and that whole Internet thing happened, and this world calls for something different."
So...What do you think? Will Tavi and Jane finally produce a teenage magazine that is worth reading? Is it OK for a 13 year old girl to be ...well...a co-editor ?Jane Pratt was 26 years old when Sassy was created does it mean that Tavi is treated like a mature fashion stylist? Or is it just a smart way of attracting attention to a new project and all work will be done by Jane while Tavi will be "representing" the magazine?
who is Tavi? and what is Sassy? and no, i will not listen to a 13 year old tell me anything about fashion. xx