Monday, November 1, 2010

Lanvin for H&M

I heard this news for couple months ago and when i was trying to find sth to post on this blog I accidentally found the first look of this special collection so I try to find more...

(sry guys i don't know how to post a video here T^T)

First though of me about this collection was...Lanvin? H&M? R U KIDDING ME? I never thought it gonna come out great because Lanvin 's quite luxury but after I saw the video that Elber Albaz  said "I think I loved the idea that H&M was going luxury rather than Lanvin is going public" and yeahhhh! maybe he's right! I could think it that way. 

I wanna see how Lanvin and H&M go together. H&M did really exciting me and yes so did Lanvin. I think people's going to line in front of H&M shop just like when it happen with Stella McCartney's colleciton

(Stella Maccartney's collection)

what do you think? :)


  1. I'm excited to see the collection! I don't agree though that H&M is going luxury... the two aren't synonymous whatsoever but I believe its good because a talented designer/ brand is creating beautiful (affordable) clothes for real people and not just Hollywood celebs and old housewives/ society women.

  2. u have to download the video first then upload it from your computer, so complicated.First look at the collection, i think it's really cool and i really want H&M in Thailand >.<
